Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is the natural engineering and is the second oldest engineering after Military engineering services. It is the combination of art and science. Art in the sense that the construction which is done by engineers is just like painting made by the painter on the canvas. Science is in the sense that understanding of the basics of construction of structure for different materials which has to be used and the loads for the purpose of the building.
Civil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles for solving the problems of society. Lord Vishwakarma is worshipped as the creator of all structures in prehistoric period. With this view, civil engineers are the Vishwakarmas of the present day. Civil engineering is a wide ranging profession, covering construction, designing and maintenance of buildings, bridges, roads, dams, canals, irrigation, water supply system etc, and its history is linked to knowledge of structures, materials science, geography, geology, soils, hydrology, environment, mechanics and other fields.
Civil engineering teaches the manners and the responsibilities to the Civilians of the society which is very basic and the most important necessicity to exist with proper and comfortable manner.
By being a civil engineer you are expected and responsible for the development of your family, society and hence for your country.
“Be a Civil Engineer Be a Human”
Scope of civil engineering: There is lot of scope in this branch. As this is an unique branch and very rarely available in some colleges. Now today only 30% of colleges have this branch. The main scope are -
1) Field Work or Designing. depending on your capability or talent like design or supervise the building, bridges, dams etc. or any other mega structure.
2) Teaching is also a good option because there are very less person involve in this field so to teach the next generation is also a good option after completing your M.Tech, PHD you can be a professor and earn more than 1Lac + per month.
3) You can also try for Government exams in IES,IAS,PWD etc.

EC Engineering
EC Engineering is one of the largest and fastest growing industries. It covers a wide range of applications we use daily and which make our life easier and enjoyable such as Television, Radio, computers, telecommunication etc. They help us to see, hear and communicate over vast distances and do things faster. Electronics has a major role in improving productivity in industries like oil, energy, agriculture and so many other important sectors of economy. In steel, petroleum and chemical industries it is the electronic devices that direct, control and test production processes. Health care industry depend on electronic instruments to perform chemical tests and to check body functions. The safety in transportation, factories and mines and in homes rely heavily on electronics. The uses are endless. An Electronics engineer must find new solutions to the practical problems affecting our daily lives.
An electronics engineer will work in team with other specialists to design, fabricate, produce, test and supervise the manufacture of complex products and systems i.e electronic equipments and components for a number of industries including hospitals, computer industry, electronic data processing systems for communication and in defense etc.

Computer Science Engineering
The Department of Computer Engineering was established in July 2008. The department offers a 4 (four) year course, in B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering. Computer Sc. & Engineering is the most sought-after branch for the JEE / UPTU selected students that come to the Institute. Our graduates have distinguished themselves in higher studies at the top Universities. They also occupy positions of eminence in the computer industry.
Our Alumni remain in constant touch with us and are contributing in the development of the department. Placements for our graduates are the best in the Institute. The department has on its roll two faculty members with international and national research papers on Data-mining and Web-mining at base of Neural Networking. The departmental research is focused in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Neuro Computing, Parallel Processing, Parallel Algorithm, Software Engineering, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Medical Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Data-mining and Web-mining, Biometrics and semantic web. Besides plan funding, the Department attracts financial inputs through externally funded projects and alumni donations. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at KNGI, Sultanpur is renowned for cutting edge research and for imparting state of the art education. We attract some of the brightest students and faculty, and invite you to join us in the excitement.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering is synonymous to Industrial Revolution that started after the invention of Steam Engine by James Watt. Wright brothers invented plane that revolutionized aviation industries. It is the industrial revolution that brought prosperity and comforts to the people. From pins to planes including commercial and fighter planes, from simple agricultural equipments khurpies to tractors, from bullock carts to all sorts of modern cars & trains and from simple boats to big ships & submarines are all creations of Mechanical Engineers.
All the modern inventions such as rockets, space vehicles, multi-task missiles, battle tanks, sophisticated guns, robots, all types of power plants, air conditioners etc. are all creations of Mechanical Engineers. In every industry, the need of Mechanical Engineers varies from 40% to 80%. Whatever product we choose, whether Mechanical, Electrical or Electronics, a major contribution of Mechanical Engineering is involved. As a result of a large amount of involvement of Mechanical Engineers in various industries and organizations, the branch of Mechanical Engineering is regarded as Ever Green Branch of Engineering.
Humanities & Applied Sciences Department
Applied Science is a bridge that connects Pure Sciences with the engineering world. The mission of the department is to generate resource of excellent quality, with high professional competence in interdisciplinary manufacturing. The main focus is on promoting the scientific applications and knowledge in such a manner that the students and faculty shall contribute effectively, intellectually and ethically to the scientific community of the world.
Department of Applied Sciences consists of Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Communication Skills and Environmental Sciences. All the above subjects are compulsory. Mathematics is the backbone of all Engineering Sciences.
Hence a lot of attention is given on Mathematics in engineering education. Engineering Mathematics is part of first and second year courses whereas Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Environmental Sciences and Communication Skills are taught in first year only. Subject of Humanities are taught in 2nd, .3rd, 4th year. The department has three well equipped laboratories namely Physics, Chemistry and Communication Skill. The department has its own monitoring system namely “Counselors” Scheme which looks after the attendance, academic performance and other extracurricular activities of students. They are monitored regularly and the reports are sent to the parents from time to time. Different types of competitions, guest lectures and cultural programs are organized. Experienced and qualified faculties take a lot of efforts which give excellent results. Recognizing the significance of the Environmental Studies, this subject has introduced at the degree Courses in all the courses.