A well equipped library is the functioning heart of any academic institution. The institute has a fully integrated library. The library has a capacity of 90 users at a time. The library caters its services to Students, Faculty members, and Staff of the college. The library presently has more than 600 regular members. The Library aims to facilitate its users in their endeavor for study, teaching and research etc., The library ensures collection, prevention and protection of the invaluable treasure of rare Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers and Audio videos. Library has developed a comprehensive collection of information that is useful for teaching and reference purposes the learning resources are upgraded regularly as per requirements and the indent received from users. The Library at present houses more than 25000+ Books, Five hundred back volumes of periodicals and journals, 100 Standards, 600 CD-ROMs, etc. on different disciplines of Electronics & Communication, Electrical Engg., Electronics Engg., Civil Engg., Applied Sciences, Management & Computers Science & Technology etc. Library is presently subscribing to about 10 National and International Journals, 15 Magazines in print form annually, 8 daily Newspapers. More than 100 national Online Journals in different areas are also subscribed.
Library Service
Circulation Reference Service Photocopy Service Current Awareness Service News Archive
Reference cum Reading Hall
Reference Section of the Library has all the latest reference sources including Encyclopedias, dictionaries in different subjects, handbooks, Reference Books, & Engineering Standards etc. The section is also used as a Reading Hall and at least one or two copies of each title are available in section. The user can avail 3 to 4 books at a time, only inside the hall. Reference Section is open for users from 9.00 am to 7.00 p.m. on all working days.