Sri Vinod Singh
Secretary , KNMT
Dr. M. B. Singh
Programs Coordinator |
assessment and refinement for identifying the location
specificity of technology under various farming systems.
training of farmers.
Training of
extension personnel to update their knowledge in frontier areas
of technology.
Providing single
window delivery system of technology products, services and
information through Agricultural Technology Information Centres
Development of
gender specific technologies.
Technology assessment and refinement through demonstration of
technology/products and its dissemination through training of
farmers and extension personnel |
Collaborate with the Subject Matter Specialists of the State
Agricultural Universities/Scientists of the Regional Research
Stations, NARP and the State Extension personnel in "On Farm
Testing/Trial" for refining and documenting technologies for
developing region-specific sustainable land use systems.
Organize trainings to update the extension personnel in the area
of emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis
Organize long term and shor term vocational training courses in
agriculture and allied vocations for the rural youths and
practicing farmers with emphasis on "learning by doing"
generating self employment through institutional financing.
Organize front line demonstrations on various crops to generate
production data & feed back information.
To provide technological feedback to the research system.