KNVS : Kamla Nehru Vidhi Sansthan, Sultanpur U.P.

Approved by Bar Council of India
Affiliated to Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya Uttar Pradesh

Legal AID Camps

Legal aid camps are conducted by the institute from time to time with an aim to provide legal aid and advise through a panel of Advocates, Academicians and Scholars; to spread legal literacy and awareness by conducting Camps and workshops, Street plays, Campaigns, distribution of pamphlets, display of paintings and hoardings etc.; to propagate the importance of alternative dispute resolution mechanism (ADRS) and to prevent legal disputes; to build a network of community lawyers; to facilitate community access to justice.

Seminars and Guest Lectures

KNVS (KNI Law College) is at the forefront of providing opportunities to the students for interactive workshops, seminars and organizing meetings with prominent personalities in the field of Law.

Moot Court Activities

KNI Law College conducts Moot Court Competition every year. Moot courts are mock courts where the student lawyers are given the set of facts of a particular case which involves the dispute to be solved by employing the knowledge of law. Thus this practical experience of employing law in courts during the student’s life imbibes the qualities of lawyer.

Cultural Activities

To provide a platform for overall development is done through organizing various cultural events annually. The students are encouraged to participate in various activities and competitions, which helps them grow, identify their talents, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and to overcome it.

A Glimpse of Event & Activities @ KNVS