KNVS : Kamla Nehru Vidhi Sansthan, Sultanpur U.P.

Approved by Bar Council of India
Affiliated to Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya Uttar Pradesh


Any discipline of study requires material of study, references and information collated at one place; library. We are moving rapidly in technology sophisticated world but hard copy is a preferred medium chosen by students from ancient eras.

Our library wardrobe consist huge quantum of Books & Journals split between authors, topics, subjects, magazines and newspapers. An entire silent zone with mechanized search system is serviced by librarian who is skilled enough to handle all concerns of students.

The central library has more than 10000 books, journals, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, focusing on the vast areas of knowledge. The institute has access number of bibliographic records, periodicals, number of CDs.

Computer Centre

The Technology has transformed society and helped in shaping the future. At KNVS LAW Institute, we have air-conditioned labs with high end computers installed with several utilities software for the students and with internet facility.

The basic aim of Computer Centre is to familiarize Students, Teachers, Research Scholars and staff with the concept of Computer, their working, imparts the skills involved in the use of common software packages, knowledge of programming in different Computer Languages and various application softwares.

Moot Court

Moot Court is an integral aspect of life of a law student and the lessons learn by participation in Moot Court help the student to stand tall in the real court like scenario when they enter the profession. Moot Court is indispensable part of legal education and the participation in Moot court is a mandatory requirement as mentioned by Bar Council of India (BCI) in regular B.A. L.L.B Courses.

The Moot court Hall is like a practical room for a student to get accustomed to the atmosphere of the Courts as well as improve his skills in law and advocacy of law. In a Moot court a hypothetical case is given to the students and is allowed to argue the given case. The participants research their respective sides, write appellate briefs, and present oral arguments in front of the judges. Judges are free to ask questions at any time during the presentation, and students must respond accordingly; therefore, a profound understanding of the facts of the case, their arguments, and their opponents” arguments is required.

At KNVS the students right from the inception of their professional journey are made to witness moot court in order to develop their interest and get trained to perform while in real courtroom scenario that is expected to be there few years down the line. There are a number of Students at KNVS who are avid Mooters and have received laurels at various Moot Court Competitions. Moot Court skills are further enhanced when the students of KNVS are associated with practicing advocates and judges during their internship where the students get the firsthand experience of practical knowledge.

Seminar Hall

The institute has a well equipped and air conditioned Seminar Hall. The Seminar Hall is a regular venue for conferences, workshops and seminars. Seminar Hall has audio visual systems and all the facilities to enhance the learning process and has a vast space with 300+ seating capacity that serves the varied requirements.

Seminar hall with all facilities provides ample opportunity for our staff and students to exhibit their talents in cultural activities. It is fitted with state of art audio visual system.

Lecture Room

All the classrooms are spaciously designed and are well furnished with necessary teaching aids. The lecture rooms at the institute facilitate collective and constructive learning. Apart from following the traditional educational methods, we also provide our students with advanced aids like audio visual systems and online information systems.

Hostel Facility

The Institute has in campus boys’ hostels to accommodate about 350 male students and two girls hostel to accommodate about 120 girls’ students. Hostels has its own mess facility, common room, medical facility, internet facility, power back up, tight security and other amenities. All the measures are taken to make hostel a home away from home.

Mess Facility

The mess of the institute is spacious and equipped with comfortable dining furniture. It provides hygienic and nutritious food to the students. The students decide the weekly menu according to which meals are prepared and served. Mess staff is conscious about the cleanliness and quality of food in a hygienic manner.