कमला नेहरू विधि संस्थान, सुलतानपुर उत्तर प्रदेश

Kamla Nehru Vidhi Sansthan, Sultanpur U.P.

Approved by Bar Council of India | Affiliated to Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya Uttar Pradesh

Welcome Message

Kamla Nehru Vidhi SansthanKamla Nehru Vidhi Sansthan (KNVS) is one of the renowned and well-reputed Institutions of the Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The College aims to connect students with the research component of legal education. Similar to how the law influences every facet of life, we ensure that our law education encompasses all these areas, offering students a comprehensive learning experience. - Read More

Dr. Moin Athar


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KNVS at a Glance


The mission of KNVS is to cultivate a new generation of students with the moral awareness, social responsibility, and intellectual prowess to uphold the rule of law......Read More>>

To contribute to the country's development, KNVS firmly believes in the innovative dissemination of legal knowledge. The College specifies the following actions to accomplish this goal: Read More>>
Class Room
Class Room
Computer Lab
Computer Lab
Mout Court
Moot Court
Seminar Hall
Seminar Hall
Gymnasium & Sports
Gymnasium & Sports


Kamla Nehru Vidhi Sansthan
B.A. L.L.B.(5 Year)
Contact for Details

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KNVS LAW institute
KNVS LAW institute
KNVS LAW institute
KNVS LAW institute
KNVS LAW institute